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Best chinese Go problem books

发表于 2023-6-26 17:37:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I need advice: what are the best chinese Go problem books? (life and death, tesuji, endgame etc.)
发表于 2023-9-4 02:12:47 | 显示全部楼层
There is no single book that is considered the best.
But if you can tells us more about yourself, we could probably suggest some books that fit your need.

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-8 14:50:01 | 显示全部楼层
I'm 7k OGS. I've already found different problem books on Taobao - single books and sets of books, for example:
手筋/死活/官子/定式/布局专项训练 阶梯围棋训练书张杰 围棋书籍
当当网 围棋从入门到九段1.初识(入门到10级1000题) 陈禧 化学工业出版社 正版书籍
速成围棋入门篇上中下册青岛出版社 黄焰 正版学生书籍赠送激活卡

Single book:
围棋死活精解 1000道经典题目助你实战决胜
围棋死活1000题 Author/Editor: Wang Zhi Peng 王志鹏, He Jun Ping 贺君平

As I see, there are a lot of same problems, but the books are organised differently. Some books have the Answer section in the end, some - problem page, next - answer page. For me it's more comfortable :) I haven't passed the books yet and maybe the quality of the problems differ form book to book.. Also I'm interested in what sets of books do chinese Go clubs and trainers prefer..

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-8 14:50:06 | 显示全部楼层
I'm 7k OGS. I've already found different problem books on Taobao - single books and sets of books, for example:
手筋/死活/官子/定式/布局专项训练 阶梯围棋训练书张杰 围棋书籍
当当网 围棋从入门到九段1.初识(入门到10级1000题) 陈禧 化学工业出版社 正版书籍
速成围棋入门篇上中下册青岛出版社 黄焰 正版学生书籍赠送激活卡

Single book:
围棋死活精解 1000道经典题目助你实战决胜
围棋死活1000题 Author/Editor: Wang Zhi Peng 王志鹏, He Jun Ping 贺君平

As I see, there are a lot of same problems, but the books are organised differently. Some books have the Answer section in the end, some - problem page, next - answer page. For me it's more comfortable :) I haven't passed the books yet and maybe the quality of the problems differ form book to book.. Also I'm interested in what sets of books do chinese Go clubs and trainers prefer..

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发表于 2023-9-9 14:56:05 | 显示全部楼层
I know some go teachers use these two sets of books you bought:

手筋/死活/官子/定式/布局专项训练 阶梯围棋训练书张杰 围棋书籍
速成围棋入门篇上中下册青岛出版社 黄焰 正版学生书籍赠送激活卡

These books have been there for a while and they prove to be very effective for kids. Those books have very minimal amount of words. As kids can not read yet, those books are perfect for them. That being said, they are still good for adults to read and practise, especially if you can not read Chinese characters.

I consider myself also a single digit kyu player, not reaching dan level yet. So take my advice with a grain of salt.

Many go teachers would suggest kyu players practicing more live-death and tesuji problems as they advance to dan level. I think you are on the right track.  Besides, you may find that the topic of holistic view of the whole board, reduction and invasion, sabaki can also become very useful. Personally I feel that my win rate is increased a lot after I learned the skills of sabaki.

Take a look at Baduk Cafe's recent endeavor: https://youtu.be/uSY4Jod8zKc?si=t8QoAA7DZOELqVcN
Perhaps you can find something useful.


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-27 04:28:20 | 显示全部楼层
Could you help again?
I've read the description of the book, I've noticed the pictures with kind of answers, but I still don't know, where to get those answers...
https://detail.tmall.com/item.ht ... .0.0.9969523crcD9Jr

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